Terms and Conditions.


Privacy and Data Protection Policy
Prominent Digital Limited have measures in place to protect rights of, and the personal information that we hold for individuals and organisations. 

We work hard to comply with all relevant laws including the UK Data Protection Act (1998) and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) introduced in May 2018. 

We maintain internal data protection and privacy policies on which all our staff is trained to ensure that we meet our obligations under these laws. 

We review and change our policies and processes regularly to ensure that we continue to meet any changing demands of the applicable laws. We encourage our staff to be vigilant and to report to the Directors any suspected non-compliance with our policies, and are committed to taking actions whenever these reports are made.

Information that we gather and your rights and in particular with reference to the GDPR regulations individuals have important rights. 

The following is information on how Prominent Digital Limited treat each of these rights.

The right be informed
You have the right to know what we do with your data and why, how you can withdraw your consent for us to do that, and exactly who we are.

This policy applies to Prominent Digital Limited whose registered office is 104 Southover, London. N12 7HD and the person responsible for the privacy policy and its application is the Managing Director.

We may hold lawful information about an individual from completion of our website contact form and this is how we confirm their consent.

We retain this information for as long as your confirmation continues to be applicable or for a period of six years then we delete the personal information from our systems.

If at any time you wish to withdraw your consent or make a complaint about our handling of personal data then you can email hello@prominentdigital.com, or write to us at the address given above, and we will remove that consent, or contact you regarding your complaint within one month, but normally sooner.

The right of access
If you wish to know what data we store about you, in order to check that it is accurate or being used lawfully, then you may email hello@prominentdigital.com, or write to us at the address given above, and we will provide you with any data that we hold about you in the same format in which you made the request.

We will do this within one month.